AFA is an entity of Aqua Foundation, registered under Societies act in year 1998. AFA provides training & knowledge sharing platform to decision & policy makers, working professionals, operating level personnel and aspiring students willing to specialize in technical sector.
The broad objectives of AFA are:
Why is so much of the teacher professional development that I attend write my research paper such a waste of time.
Land Surveyors are in great demand in various sectors including oil &gas, mining, infrastructure, construction, civil engineering etc.
Hydro-geologists are in great demand in various sectors including mining, infrastructure, construction, ground water, civil engineering etc.
Geophysicists are in great demand in various sectors including Oil & Gas, mining, infrastructure, ground water, civil engineering etc.
GIS and Remote Sensing is an upcoming field and trained professionals are in great demand in various sectors including mining, infrastructure, construction, ground water
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